December 01, 2008

I think I need to lay off the drugs...

...because last night I had one of those weirdly vivid dreams that are only possible when you are on mood-altering substances. No, I don't have a habit - I am on medication for chronic stomach problems, and this is one of the side effects. This particular dream featured some James Bond-like plotlines involving sharks and nuclear explosions, followed by a visit to a convenience store that sold ice cream and yarn (STR, to be specific). That part was pretty awesome, actually. Maybe I'll keep the dreams.
I am also on drugs because I somehow managed to convince myself that the Seattle Seahawks colours are turquoise and purple. They are not. They are, in fact, a mid-blue, navy, bright green and white. It might be the result of wishful thinking on my part (see blog header...). Anyway, I had already bought some turquoise Cascade 220, which will now have to be repurposed. I also made the mistake of assuming I could mix purple Cascade Pastaza (llama and wool) with the gold Cascade 220 I bought for a stranded University of Washington coffee cup cozy - I cannot. The weights and textures are too different. So now I also have a skein of Pastaza that has to be repurposed (purple Cascade 220 is on its way to me now). The Pastaza keeps telling me that it wants to be a slouchy beret, but there are only 132 yards in the skein, which is probably not enough. I don't think it is justifiable to go and purchase more of the yarn I bought by accident for a project that is intended to use up said yarn (because of course I cannot return yarn..that would be sacrilegious).
Back to my Seahawks problem - I do have some navy and white Cascade 220, which is currently tied up in my partner's Selbu Mittens (literally...ah ha ha I kill myself). Should I ever finish those mittens and should there be enough left over, I would still have to acquire some "Seahawks blue" and some bright green. For a simple, inexpensive project this is starting to be complicated and expensive (relatively speaking, but then relative to my NEGATIVE INCOME everything is expensive).

  1. suck it up and buy some more Cascade 220 in the appropriate colours
  2. turn purple and gold yarn into a scarf instead of a coffee cozy and forget about the Seahawks thing
  3. feign ignorance of actual Seahawks colours and use purple and turquoise anyway
  4. give up on this whole handmade gifts thing and buy everybody a book

Option 4 is starting to look more and more attractive since it is DECEMBER FIRST, PEOPLE! Holy crap, where did that come from? Gotta get going with the Xmas knitting since I only have one gift completed (out of the multitude I have cast on, but we're not talking about that today). I also have to prep for a job interview on Wednesday (yay for interview, boo for job location that is NOT Montreal), which I am a little worried about since I think my brain may have atrophied.

Happy December everyone!

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